Tuesday 4 July 2006

Taiwan Local Gourmet (1)

A small yet delicious restaurant, has just opened for 2 years. Although it was Sunday, there was crowded.
Should recommend their “stinky tofu”—homemade, marinated by local herbs. It was crispy outside yet tender inside. If you bite it, the juice “explodes”

Pork & plum stew noodle is also recommended, it is very easy mistaken as beef noodle. The pork chunk looks like beef flank.

BTW, they also made their own noodle.

“King” Restaurant
No 642, Sec2 Tatung Rd
Tainan, Taiwan

Pearl King is different than other shops which using big “boba”. Pearl king makes their sweet soup with small, old-fashioned pearl which is softer and not harden quickly. Their bean curd flower is truly made by gypsum not by agar, so we can taste the real “soy bean flavor”. The syrup is also homemade by mixing with different sugar.

However I will recommend their peanuts. Peanut requires 7~8 hour slow stew to make it soft. No additive, no chemicals, Pearl king serves real, old-fashion but sincere sweet soup.

Pearl King
No 295 ChungYuan Rd
HsinChuang, Taipei County

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