Saturday 29 July 2006

Kougyoku (New)

I had been to Kougyoku for many times, because one of my friends was their fan. And I knew Kougyoku opened the 2nd branch in March, but I don’t have time to visit. Thanks for my friend “Mr. Cooper” so I had chance to visit.

Kougyoku probably is among top 3 Japanese Cuisine in Taipei, their strength is “Material”, different than other famous Japanese Cuisine like “Yak Sushi” or “Honda”。 Kougyoko, owned by several successful CEOs’, therefore, they can serve Japanese food directly shipped from Japan head quarter.

Stairs (new Kougyoku is in B1)


I brought my wine - Kistler Chardonnay 2002 Sonoma, it really tastes sweet with coconut flavor!

The chef leader is Ken Hsu, I knew him also long time ago, Ken San probably is the only Taiwanese chef whose “knife craft work” is same to most Japanese chefs.

So we start from appetizer – it is agar and sesame sauce

Usually we went to Kougyoku, would start from sashimi – sushi – hot dishes. Ken will serve sashimi as 3 slices, the first slice, tasted w/o adding anything, the 2nd slice, tasted w/ soy sauce, the 3rd slice, tasted w/ wasabi and soy sauce. With this way we can taste different flavor of fish.
Hirame Sashimi – although, it is not the very right season, it tastes fresh and bouncy!

Hamo is typical summer fish, it is kinda difficult to deal with. Because it is small and with many bones, the standard method is to cut the flesh and cut it with many slices (but not make disconnect), then put it immediately in ice water.
Kougyoku served it in traditional way – with sour plum sauce

then Shima Azi and the most famous hand-teared O-toro

If you have watched Japanese gourmet programs, probably you will see it. In Kougyoku, the chef remove the tendon tissues by hand, so you taste no hard tissues in O-toro.

Tachiuo! I asked Ken, it Is just July, how comes the Tachiuo – the oct. fish. He explains, it is the first batch. Suddenly I remember my “employee lunch”, how huge the difference is!

Marugai, also fresh. This “giant clam” is very popular in N. America and HK. I had tasted it in many ways.

Afer grilled fish and stir-fried dish, we start to have nigri

To be continued

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