Sunday 30 July 2006

New KougyoKu (finish)

Mini eggplant, guessed the function was like sorbet in French cuisine

We also had some seaweed to refresh, then a nigri w/ slightly grilled fish, this method is called “Yakishimozukuri”.

Uni Gun Kan Maki – Gunkan maki is the most popular way to make uni nigri. This sushi was using the sea urchin from Kyushu. Usually I had sea urchin from Hokkaido or Canada, this is the first time I tasted the Kyushu sea urchin

Then I asked Ken San to give me some nigri with more “knife work” (I guessed he must hate me then)

Ika nigri, carefully made cuts on ika, poured hot water, then the ika would have curls

Tori Gai (bird clam), I had read a comic describing how difficult to deal it with, because it will make the chopping board black.

Azi nigri, typical serving method is to put minced chives and ginger and drop pontzu sauce. Kougyoku’s azi nigri’s fish is thicker but I personally prefer "Sushi Yak’s" style which cut it carefully.

Marinated maguro (tuna) nigri, this is typical “Tokyo” way

I saw next table order Tamago sushi, so I asked Ken to serve us some, but he misunderstood, he thought we want Tamago only, so this was served—Tamago Tsumami

And this was the nigri sushi, what we wanted, very standard as my sushi book

I still felt something lacking, so here was finaly kick, fried “Kasago” fish, the flesh was chewy and full of gelatin.

It was about 9:30. all chefs started to clean the bar. We were eating the dessert, mocha ice cream and azuri beans, talking about desserts in Los Angeles. I take Ken’s phone number say goodbye to him.

Maybe we will have fried ice cream here next time!

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